Thursday, January 15, 2015

[1] Hai guys

I am writing this post against my will. I have not written a blog post here in over three and a half years, and there is a reason for that. I find myself in my writing 150 class repeatedly hitting these keys as they feel heavier and heavier. As I reluctantly type out these words, I can't help but reminisce on the past few years, and think about what happened to land me in this position. This is my story

I'm here in writing 150 mainly because I forgot that I took it already at BYU Hawaii, but regardless of that fact I have chosen to take the class because I figured it would be a fun refresher. In addition, writing has come more and more naturally to me over the years so I really am comfortable just sitting at this computer and typing. Seriously though, these keys are super hard to press. I do not like this keyboard. Anyways, I'm a sophomore at BYU Provo, even though I should be a Junior or Senior already. I've been here for a few years but I've changed my major three times so here I am.

I just recently switched into the communications major, and I hope to pursue an emphasis in advertising. I'm in this class because it is a pre-requisite to apply for the major, and I'm in a few other comms classes as well. I'm loving it! I feel like I've finally found a position in school where I will not dread going to classes every single day. The main reason I'm writing right now is because for my writing 150 class we have to keep a blog, and we are going to be doing a restaurant review in the upcoming weeks. Keep an eye out for that, it should be interesting. For now, I'm signing out. Bye!


Unknown said...

I know the feeling. Writing a blog is not exactly my idea of fun. I enjoy reading other blogs, especially when they are well written and entertaining, but I harly consider myself a good blog writer. Hopefully this assignment will help me to improve!
Congratulations on finding a major you are passionate about! It really makes all the difference!

Unknown said...

That's way cool that you got to go to BYU-Hawaii! How long were you there for? It's cool that you have finally found your major and are enjoying the classes for it. I am just starting out into mechanical engineering. I am not 100% sure if it is the right major for me yet, but I am glad to know that other people didn't start out knowing either. Thanks for the post man!

Unknown said...

That's way cool that you got to go to BYU-Hawaii! How long were you there for? It's cool that you have finally found your major and are enjoying the classes for it. I am just starting out into mechanical engineering. I am not 100% sure if it is the right major for me yet, but I am glad to know that other people didn't start out knowing either. Thanks for the post man!

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